Surname Table

I’ve been looking to print out a few cheat sheets to keep over the desk for when I need quick information. I also want a screenshot to keep on the laptop for when my toddler is watching tv and I’m scanning through matches on Ancestry.

I stumbled across a post about a Surname Table on the Family History Fanatics page and thought that is exactly what I need!

So I looked it over and then it happened – my brain went blank, then it started over thinking.

Yes, I see the Fathers line column and so on, why are the names only there once, the names should repeat. Are all of those lines adoptions, name changes… WHAT, I don’t understand! I scrolled through the post and found a link to their video on how to create it and in just a minute it all made sense. You only need to list a name ONCE, one time, that is all. If you have your dad’s last name at the top of the column it doesn’t need to show up in each generation – unless there is a name change but that’s not where this was going.

That makes sense! When I’m scrolling through matches I don’t need the entire lineage laid out to come to my 1st conclusion, just a name match. As I get further and further into my research not all names will be as familiar, heck, I’d forgotten about the name Avery as my grandmothers 4th Great Grandmother (or so we think).

Here is a copy of my Surname Table and you can go to Family History Fanatics and see their post and watch a great YouTube video on how to make the spreadsheet.


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