Those Places Thursday – Pine Apple House

Well, to continue with the story of James Buchanan Lloyd and Maggie Hebert Adams, I’d like to introduce you all to the Pine Apple House. Nope, not a house that is shaped like a pineapple but the home of my gg-grandparents in Pine Apple, Wilcox Co, Alabama, we just always referred to it as the Pine Apple house.

I heard, somewhere from my grandfather (I think) that the house and land were given to James B Lloyd and Maggie H. Adams as a wedding gift from Maggie’s father, Dr. David Adams (the Adams house is about 100 yards up the street). I do know my g-grandfather, James Adams Lloyd, was born in this house in 1894, and later his 3 sons were also born here, my grandfather being the 1st in 1916. How I wish those walls could tell the stories of my grandfather and his brothers running in and out of there under the eyes of their parents and grandparents.

I can’t think of the Pine Apple house without thinking of sugar cane. Sugar cane grew all around the house and when I was little my grand father or my dad would sit and pull the stalk part off the cane and let us kids chew on the sugary, chewy goodness that was inside the cane. Yumm! I still try and venture off the interstate when I go home to Alabama and at least drive by the Pine Apple house, it is so nice to see a part of your family history sitting on the corner lot.

The Pine Apple house will also continue to make appearances in future blog posts.


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